Saturday, August 17, 2024

It's coming back

 I've been getting to the gym on a regular bases.

Jogging is coming back on the treadmill. Yesterday I enjoyed riding my older mountain bike it was great weather.

The little things I'm noticing about my weight coming off is going up and down stairs is easier.

If I'm sitting on the floor or have to get on my hands and knees to do something much easier to get up.  I take these all as wins!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Summer 2024

 It's been a great summer! My weight at 190 and I'm feeling great! I'm back to the gym and goal is to run a 5k come Thanksgiving!  The old me is starting to come back! I will run again!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Turning 58

 I am just a few days into being 58. Time to start the journey again. I have been out of shape for many years now and I am starting the journey back to being healthy and will run again. My weight today is 208 not to bad considering I havebeen as high as 215. First goal is to get to under 200 lbs and I know I will do that. I am eating better and tracking my food and exercise.  If all goes like I am hoping I will be back into decent shape by the time I turn 60.  Come along for this journey of mine

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 a brand new year

Yikes it is pretty scary to look back on when I last posted here on my blog.  I am going to be 48 this coming year and before I know it 50 will be knocking at my door.  I am going to do my best this new year to get my health back meaning get my weight back down and become the runner that I used to be back in my early 40's when I was living in Colo. I am still in WA state and this coming summer I will marry the love of my life Jerry Nordbye.  I have also recently got back in contact with one of my best running and triathlon pal Becky Marzano her and I did lots of events back in my running days.
we have committed to helping each other out this year by keeping in touch about or goals and what we are doing to get back our health. so here I am again blogging and will try and keep things more updated here for my friends that would still like to follow my blog.

My commitment so far for this new year is to get on the treadmill each date at work on my lunch for 45 min that is a good start for me. Once again a new journey for me to get back in shape and I hope you will encourage me and follow me along.  HAPPY 2014 everyone!

Monday, January 2, 2012

a New Year

what can I say 2011 was a very tough year for me with loss of my mother and some other close friends. My goal in 2012 is to find the Rebecca that I used to be and to work on getting back into running. It will take a lot of hard work on my part but I really need to do this. I will take any emails and support from my fellow runner and triathlon friends that are out there. i still hope someday that I will be able to help others learn to run and get in shape. Wishing you all a great HAPPY NEW YEAR IN HEALTH AND FITNESS

Sunday, October 30, 2011


This was the 2 anual Freaky 5K here in Federal Way WA. on oct 29-2011. The weather was nice and I felt glad that I just anble to eep running the whole 5K and no stopping. my time was 39:35 and I was pleased since I had told Jerry that I thought I would be done in 45 min or less. I am caring about 35 extra lbs so that does not help. I will eventually get back to where I used to be wieth my running, it is just going to take some hard work and some training!