The weather turned out warmer than last year! YAHOO it was a large turn out as always for this run. I had just found out the night before that my friend Becky Marzano who has been training to run the Las Vegas marathon will not be able to run it! She has a left quad that is pretty messed up and a MRI proved that. She will be coming to LV still to scream for me on my hlaf marathon!
I ran hard at the turkey trot and pleased to report 4.0 miles in 38:42 which is about 9:44 per mile time! So I am getting faster! that was 5 min off last years time. I am also happy since I had to navigate a large crowd of walkers, kids, etc etc so learning how to do that is great experience for me at large runs.
Next Sunday at this time I will have run my 2 half marathon ever! I am hoping to do it in 2:30 or less. I know it will be better than my first half marathon which was in May 2008 and it was a time of about 2hr 45min and it was really hard! Since then I have increased weekly mileage and done more hill training which is helping me. My lonest run to day is 20 miles in about 4hr 14 min. I will back down my mileage in Jan and then come Feb-April bring it back up and on May 17 2009 I will return to the Colfax Marathon this time to do the full 26.2
I am also currently 183 miles away from reaching 1000 miles for running this year. My goals is to reach it by the end of December. I am wanting to do the Denver resolution run which is a 5K and have that round out my 1000 miles for the year! Last year I did 300 and some miles for the whole year. At the beginning of 2008 I had told myself all that I wanted to do was more miles than last year I NEVER set the goal of 1000 miles it just sort a happened LOL.
I am hoping to get my running times down and would like to become a 9 min per mile runner and also keep running long distances.
Hope you all have a great holiday season! I will report in after Las Vegas Marathon.