WOW so much has taken place in my life since I lasted posted. I ended up backing out of the olympia capital city half marathon. Sometimes life just happens and gets in the way. In March i received the very sad new that my best girlfriends husband was killed in a tragic car wreck near Washington DC area, the news hit me hard. My training just started to fall apart and I knew that I was not motivated to run and I just could not get it back. I did how ever go spectate the run and a co-worker was running her first half so it was great to be there to cheer for her.
May 10 2011 my mother was admiited to the hospital in Grants Pass OR. I was able to go down and spend 8 days with her. I knew this would be the last time I would have with my mother. I came back home to Washington and on May 28th at around 6:30 am my mom passed away at the family home in Grants Pass, my Dad was at her side. Jerry and I went back down for the funeral on June 2. Since then my running has taken back seat and I have been just working and not much else. Last night I complete my 3 Sea Fair Torch Light 5K in downtown Seattle, I had a wonderful time running the downtown streets with all the children and people cheering is all on! My time was bad but at this point I was happy to be able to even do the event and not die trying LOL. My time was 38:12 back in 2009 my time was just under 30 min. I will get my running back it is just going to take some time and actually getting out and running like I used too
45-49 tested and non-tested
I'm aging up to the 45-49 age group in November. I'm pretty excited to age
up because I've never been able to make the qualifying totals for the USPA
5 years ago