I will be flying out in a few days to head to southern Oregon. I am going to visit my parents, my mom has had ill health for a long time now and I have the time to go see her and jsut let her know how much I love her, plus maybe take a little stress of my Dad has he has been the care taker of her. I cant wait to see them both. This coming Sat I will do my first 5K at sea level YAHOO cant wait it is in the town of Central Point and will be a flat course so I want to give it all I got! It might rain but that will not stop this mile high girl!
Tonight I got looking at a event guide that has runs and events coming up here in Colorado. My eyes landed on the Mt Evans ascent run 14 miles up to the top of Mt Evans, this is the highest paved road in the USA! elevation to climb on this run is 4000ft. You have 4 hours to complete the run. The finishers get a medal! and I would love to have that one for my collection, they allow only 350 runners to do this event and there is still spots open for 100 more. So I have some serious decsions to make about this one. The weekend before this event I have my first sprint traithlon of the season, so that is something that concerns me will I be recovered enough to make a 14 mile run at at that elevation?
45-49 tested and non-tested
I'm aging up to the 45-49 age group in November. I'm pretty excited to age
up because I've never been able to make the qualifying totals for the USPA
5 years ago
1 comment:
good luck at sea level!
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