Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Norpoint Turkey trot 5K

I forgot to post how my first 5K Turkey Trot here in WA my new home state. It went well for the most part considering it was raining and the course had a few hills here and there. I am not in my best running shape since I moved but I am getting it back little by little. I enjoy running here in my new neighborhood here in Federal Way WA lots of new places to explore and all.

I am still looking for a full time job so a bit stressfull at times thinking when will I go back to work. I am also thinking that eventually I want to start a running group and help others change their lives thorugh running and fitness, maybe something like being a life coach and in the area of fitness and health overall. Any suggestions any of you may have would be great!

I look back on this last year and I have to say I am pretty pleased with my accomplishments, I did my first marathon and did not give up on all the training for that. I also am so glad that I got out of the dead end relationship that I was in and I am moving life forward. I lost my job back in AUg and that hurt but I closed one door and opened another moving from CO to WA and now I am in a very great relationship and very happy with how the new life is going. So 2010 should be pretty darn interesting I will set new goals here soon. Want to wish all of you a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

got a run

This morning I am getting ready to head out to preview the 5K course that is the Norpoint Turkey trot course that I will run on Thanksgiving morning. It is real close to where I live so should be pretty easy to find. The weather here lately has been rainy and stormy but I am adjusting to it just fine. I have gained about 20 pounds since I lost my job back in Aug plus with my relocation and life transistion. I am back logging all that I eat each day and my work outs, that will keep me motivated. I also have a lot of clothes that I have been putting away here in my new home and many of the clothes are tight! so I best get back with the program!

I recenly found my garmin YAHOO I had not been able to locate it here in the house since the move in but I have it now and I am so happy! HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY. it is a big motivator for since I can see my times and distance I just love that. I am also seriously looking at running the Eugene ORE marathon that is May 2 so if I want to run my 2 marathon I best get back training hard and serious plus get the 20 lbs off me. I am very very happy to say that things are going great in my new relationship with Jerry we had been friends since around 1999 and then this summer well it is a long story but we are now a couple and are very happy together, we both agree that just being good friends over the years had a lot to do with us now being in this relationship.
I am still looking for work I need to land a full time job eventually that will take some of my stress off me and then life will be pretty much back on track. I will try and post here more often and let you know my progress.

Monday, October 26, 2009

YAHOO I am now living in Washington state

I am now officially moved out and at my new place in Federal Way Washington. The move out went well sure helped having my sister Cindy help with the drive out from Denver area. I have a job now off getting all my stuff organized in my new home but I am so looking forward to it. I went to start my car this am and the check engine light was on. Sort a bummed me out but was able to get it looked for free and the codes have something to do with the emissions area and some sensor so I am able to drive the car and should not hurt it. I was planning on gettting to the gym this am but by the time that was all done I just came home, I have lots of stuff to get put away and organized in my new place so best I get working on it. I will be back running soon! I am planning on doing the Tacoma turkey trot run this Thanksgiving YAHOO.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

changes coming up

It has been awhile since my last update lots going on in life since then. I drove to Washington state from Colorado been about 3 weeks now. I am staying with a friend out in WA since I am looking for work out in WA. I also made the drive down to Southern Ore to see my folks so I am currently in my home town of Grants Pass OR. I am house sitting for my sister and also helping my dad with my mom a little, my mothers health has been bad for many years do to all the smoking she did over the years, thank god I have never touched a cigarette and never plan too.

I have been struggling lately with my eating and it has been bad. I have been running a little but nothing like I used too and I know with the bad eating and not running some weight has been gained. It scares the hell out of me to think that I am slipping into old habits! I think it is due to not working and just overall loneliness and times and boredom, especially here in ORE at my sisters, there is not much for me to do around here and I feel lonely. But I am doing some sould searching and reading and I think I will be ok. In a few days I am going back to WA and I will be happier up there since there are 24 hr fitness gyms that I can go to my membership lets me into any of the those clubs across the country so I best be hitting it hard!

I will be moving out to WA in the month of Oct so need to get planning that move. I am going to miss my friends in CO I have lived there since the early 90's and in the last 3-4 years made some great triathlon and running friends who I am going to miss the hell out of! BUT I know that once settled in WA I will get a new group of friends and that will be great! I will keep in shape and this is a life time thing I have to do! It is hard work but I know that with exercise and good eating I will be the person I want to be inside and out. chat soon!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I am still running

Well it has been about 1 week now since I lost my job of over 2.5 years. It sort a sucks but I seen it coming so I seem to handle it ok. I think this is part of the bigger plan for my life. I made the decison to not return to the relationship I was in and I feel great about that decison time to move my life forward.

Since I have not been working I am still running I am training as if I am doing the Denver marathon in Oct, will see if I end up being able to sign up for it do to my money situation. I am taking a road trip out to Seattle/Tacoma WA area to visit my oldes sister and some other friends thinking I might want to eventually move back to the pacific northwest. I am originally from southern ore and my folks still live there. I know I do not want to live in ORE. and I have never lived in Seattle but i really like that area up there and have missed being near the ocean and overall the water.

I have changed so much in the 2.5 years I was at Imageseller lots of memories since that was when I started my running the day I was let go walking out with my gym bag and running shoes was the hardest part! at that job I was able to go run at lunch plus overall the work place was pretty relaxed. I can only dream of landing a new job that i could run at lunch and not have to dress up to much.

So life goes on and I as I always say TOUGH TIMES DONT LAST TOUGH PEOPLE DO! I look at this all as closing a chapter of my life and opening a new one YAHOO let the adventure begin!

Monday, July 13, 2009


Wow lots has happend since I last posted. I did complete the Colfax marathon in 6 hr 1 min. The worst part of it all was coming into the park and the finish area it was not marked and no voluntters so I was offf course about 1/2 mile that was when I started to almost cry! I did see the finish line finally and picked it up the announcer was there along with my friends! I almsot lost it when the announcer called my name and then said. "Welcome back home Rebecca!" out of 414 people who did the full marathon I was 404 so I cannot complain.

Recovery from it went well was not bad at all. I have been sort a slug the lastfew months still running but nothing really much. I am starting back to today to train for marathon #2 Denver marathon Oct 19! yahoo I am excited. it seems when I set goals out there I then have no problem reaching them especially running ones!

At the end of April I moved out of my boyfriend Kelvin home. we have been dating 7 yrs and lilving together about 3. It was one of the hardest thing to do but I felt it was time for me to move on. I found a great 1 bedroom apt not far away and so far the transition is going well. Only time will tell what will take place. We are still friends and see each other here and there.

Running has changed me a lot the last 2-3 yrs and I cannot go back to the person I used to be.

I am also doing triathlon training but not many events this year do to $ now that I am living on my own.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I am counting down the days now! I am starting to look forward to the marathon. yesterday I did a 3 mile run boy that is sure different than the 20 that I did the other day. I have a different mind set when it comes to long runs vs short runs but either way they both make me stronger!

It has been 2 yrs that I have been running and now the test will come the 26.2 miles! The goal is to start with a smile and cross the finish line with a smile! I have many friends to thank for all the encouragment and support through all of this!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Lots going on in my life at this time! I recently moved out of my boyrfiends home. we have been together 8 yrs and living together about 3. I just not sure what I want anymore and we both need to step back and see if the relationship will move forward.

Meanwhile I am marathon bound! I start tapering my miles now and May 17th is fast approaching! I will start with a smile and finish with a smile! I am excited and have lots of people supporting me! This is an incredible journy that I am on!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


We had bad weather the last few weeks major snow storms that would come in for a few days and dump the good old Spring snow. Today I woke up to sunny Colorado skies and new that it would be a great day to get my 14 mile long run in. I went pretty well the area I ran on today was clear and a little water here and there so overall got it done! 2 hr 38 min not to bad considering there was a potty stop in there LOL.

Next weekend is my longest run that I will do before the May 17 Colafa marathon. It suppose to be 20 miles and depnding on how I am feeling I just might try 22. Back in the fall I had run a 20 mile run so honestly IT HURT so at least I know what I will be feeling next weekend. If I do 22 I know it is going to hurt a bit more. Our weather is suppose to be in the 70's this coming week so I really hope next weekend the weather holds for my long long run. Then I will beging to tapper down a bit that is going to seem odd but I know that is what I have to do and will follow the training plan that I am on. So far so good no injuries and staying healthy YAHOO

Thursday, April 9, 2009

marathon training

I completed my 3 half marathon this last weekend. The weather was a bit chilly since it had snowed teh night before but overall I wont complain I was 8 minutes faster than the Las Vegas marathon back in December. The next 3 weeks or so are going to be my toughest yet as I am doing long runs on the weekends to get me ready for may 17th the big day. This weekend is 18 and I will do it on Sat as Sunday is Easter and I want to go to church. I want to thank God for keeping me strong and running and for the pateience to keep working at it. I try and not think how close the marathon is but at least a few times week it pops into my mind.

I just have to rmember that it is just run and there will be many others out there along side me so it will not be near as lonely as some of my long runs that I currently do. I have asked myself what made me decided to run a marathon and the only thing that comes to thought is because I honestly think I can do it. I wont be fast but doing your first marathon is not about being fast it is about finishing it and having a smile on my face. I think of my parents when I run and how they are older and there health starting to fade, my mom has to be on oxygen 24 hrs a day and is pretty much bed ridden with bad lungs and week heart. I run for her and I breath for her. I am going home in June for my 25th high school reunion and to see my parents. I will be taking my marathon medal with me and sharing it with my parents. Never in a millions years did I ever think that I would be running let along doing a full marathon. It is a journey that has been worth every minute of it! At times I get scared along the way feeling like I want to give up but I know this is a way of life for me and I will keep putting one foot in fron of the other.

Monday, March 16, 2009

60 days till marathon

It is official as of tonight I am registered for the Colfax marathon! I am excited but I also know that I have 60 days more of training. Sunday is the day that I do my long run and this weekend it will be 15 miles. I think I will be ok just take it easy and one foot in front of another. May 1st 2006 was when I truly feel that I started running and I could barely run 2 miles with out stopping! I am living proof that perserverance pays off! I truly believe in following your dreams they can come true.

I keep thinking that come May 17 on that day all my hard training will have paid off. It is hard to believe all the time I am putting into my training and that one single day I will run 26.2 miles! I am hoping that my love for running will be strong after the marathon. This is an incredible journey that I am on.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I what into work early today actually been into work early a lot lately, it is a busy time of year for my job. I started to think this morning when and how did I decide to do a marathon? I really started thinking about how this call came to be. I really do not have all the answers yet, if you would of asked me 2 yrs ago if I ever thought of running a marathon I would of said, "what are you on drugs! LOL. I am on a journey one that is going to last a long time. I decided to run a marathon because I know I can! The hardest part is the training day in and day out for a total of 18 weeks. It is the getting up on Sun am and knowing I have a long run on Sundays and can't sleep in to much. It is the daily runs at lunch getting up from my desk and getting changed and out the door I go.

I truly honestly say that I feel that the marathon is going to change my in more ways than one. It is about helping me become a stronger woman mentally and physically! It is about doing something that I never thought I could!

I have been thinking that in one day 5-6 hrs it will be all done. The marathon will be the icing on the cake! It will be a pivital point in my life. What a way to put a close to this last year for me. I will be 42 yrs old when I finish my marathon and dam proud.

I hope that someday I can assit other people in following their dreams! I trully believe that dreams can come true!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


WOW time is flying bye. I am 91 days away from running 26.2 miles. So far the training plan that I am using is going well. I do feel at times it is consuming my life but I know I have to put in the miles to be able to come across that finish line with a smile on my face!

I lately think about how will I feel once it is all done? Will I want to do another marathon in the future? Will I possibly want to do a ultra run someday? Then the big thought is will I ever consider a full iron man triathlon? YIKES that sounds so scarey to even say that LOL.

It has really amazed me how my athletic adventures have not only changed my phsically but how it has also changed other areas of my life and has helped my self esteem get much better and stronger. To be honest all I ever wanted to do was get in shape I did not realize how it would change other areas of my life. Some of it in the future will be scarey but I know I have to do what is best for Rebecca

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


OK I am going to get on a soap box here so just wanted to say that up front! The young girls I work with in their mid 20's are doing weight watchers program. That is one of the better programs if someone asked me my opinion. But these girls just do not get it you also need to exercise and stick with it!

These girls are not seriously fat but I know their fitness level is not that good. If they would just exercise and do it on a regular bases they might see a difference in how they feel. A many of the young people I work with also drink WAY TO MUCH ALCOHOL! I like my wine but on special occasions and that is about it, I do not have much room in my eating plan for those calories.

I do not talk about my running or triathlons much at work unless someone approaches me and ask me. I just some how wish that people would realise that you can do anything you set your mind too. It takes some hard work and determination but it can be done if you want something bad enough. Maybe someday I can help others follow their dreams and desires.

Monday, January 12, 2009

a New Year

Well hard to believe another year is upon us. I will be joining the CWW triatlon group here in Denver we kick off another season Jan 24th YAHOO. I am looking forward to it and this season I will do spring distance and do my first olympic distance.

The first big event for me is May 17 as I will be running my first marathon. This week kicks off my 18 week training plan I am using a plan that is by Hal Higdon a famous coach and runner and has written many books on marathon running. I feel very comfortable with the plan I am using.

I sometimes think WOW I am really going to do a marathon A FULL MARATHON? I reflect back at times how running has changed my life and that maybe someday I can do some motivational speaking and teach others how to follow their dreams! It is very interesting with co-workers or friends hear me talking on occassion about running and how they think I am a bit nuts for wanting to do the running that I do. I love what I do for keeping in shape and also love the challenge of seeing what my body can do. Setting up events to participate in also keeps me motivated and working hard.

Dream it............ believe it........