Wednesday, January 14, 2009


OK I am going to get on a soap box here so just wanted to say that up front! The young girls I work with in their mid 20's are doing weight watchers program. That is one of the better programs if someone asked me my opinion. But these girls just do not get it you also need to exercise and stick with it!

These girls are not seriously fat but I know their fitness level is not that good. If they would just exercise and do it on a regular bases they might see a difference in how they feel. A many of the young people I work with also drink WAY TO MUCH ALCOHOL! I like my wine but on special occasions and that is about it, I do not have much room in my eating plan for those calories.

I do not talk about my running or triathlons much at work unless someone approaches me and ask me. I just some how wish that people would realise that you can do anything you set your mind too. It takes some hard work and determination but it can be done if you want something bad enough. Maybe someday I can help others follow their dreams and desires.

Monday, January 12, 2009

a New Year

Well hard to believe another year is upon us. I will be joining the CWW triatlon group here in Denver we kick off another season Jan 24th YAHOO. I am looking forward to it and this season I will do spring distance and do my first olympic distance.

The first big event for me is May 17 as I will be running my first marathon. This week kicks off my 18 week training plan I am using a plan that is by Hal Higdon a famous coach and runner and has written many books on marathon running. I feel very comfortable with the plan I am using.

I sometimes think WOW I am really going to do a marathon A FULL MARATHON? I reflect back at times how running has changed my life and that maybe someday I can do some motivational speaking and teach others how to follow their dreams! It is very interesting with co-workers or friends hear me talking on occassion about running and how they think I am a bit nuts for wanting to do the running that I do. I love what I do for keeping in shape and also love the challenge of seeing what my body can do. Setting up events to participate in also keeps me motivated and working hard.

Dream it............ believe it........