Sunday, February 24, 2008


what a great event! Kelvin and I arrived at 7:00 am. he checked in for volunteer duty. He was given the water aid station on the 35 floor, this was the last stop for anyone to get water before the get to the finish at the 53 floor. Official chip time 13:49

I went and sat down near the start area, so that I could see the elite runners start at 8:00 am. It was a great time I got some great photos. I am not sure what the first place time was but I did hear that the record was like 6 minutes. I really enjoyed being with such a large group of people it is just awesome. My start time was to be at 9:50 but the line was not to bad so I snuck in at 9:40. My legs felt pretty good considering running 10 miles yesterday. I had a little talk with my legs and said, "OK just get me to the top and I promise I will let you rest a few days after all this work this weekend" SO off I went through the start door. I started my heart rate monitor so I could see how hard I was pushing. 4th floor I was talking to myself saying wow 53 flights LOL guess I better keep moving. After that I just kept breathing and breathing I told myself you can do this! Legs were not feeling to bad. Next stop 35 floor I peaked in the hall way to yell at Kelvin. I said I AM HERE GOING UP!!! I had water on me so need to stop along the way at all.

Before I knew it I was at the 45 floor and knew I was getting closer to the 53 FINISH LINE!
It was great when you get to the finishe line. there was volunteers there that put the medal around your neck and then you also had them remove your timing chip. The view was worth a million! I got some great photos out the window looking at the sky line of Denver! It was all so worth it! I felt like I was on top of the world. OK OK I was on top of the highest building in Denver.

Once done taking photos I was into the elevator that takes you down to the lobby. The lobby area had great food and other goodies! I picked up my shirt YAHOO. I will also be getting a nice technical running shirt. April 15 the CO lung association will have a get together at a nice bar/grill restaraunt down town, they will honor the people who raised the most funds plus the people who finished in top spots. I will get my running shirt then. I raised so far 300.00 I want to say thanks to any and all who supported me on this.

What a wonderful weekend this was! Sure I will bit sore tomorrow but I would do it all again in a heart beat.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


I did it! Yes I ran the complete 10 miles not at record pace but I am happy with what I did today. Considering a year ago there would be no way I could of run that distance. My time was 1:57:33. The weather could of not been better, this was the last race in a series of 3 that I did called the Winter Distance. Now that is done so lets get Spring coming here in Colorado! My friends Becky and Andria where at the run today also Susan from Evergreen was great to finally meet her. OH also a few other ladies that blog on BT too. My legs towards the end started feeling a little like lead LOL. At times there were not many other runners near me so I did lots of thinking about things like THE STAIRS that I have to climb tomorrow LOL. But that will be a fun event and a great cause! stay tuned for that story tomorrow

Friday, February 22, 2008


This is a weekend that I will most likely always ask
myself what was I thinking! Tomorrow I will be
participating in the last of the winter distance
series runs. This is the snow man stampede
10 mil run at Cherry Creek Reservoir. Weather
looks like it might not be to bad. I have done many
runs in 2007 and now continuing in 2008 this
will be my longest event run ever done. Getting
ready for a half marathon in May here in Denver.

This Sunday will be the icing on the cake LOL I am doing the Colorado Lung Assoc Climb the stairs of the Republic buildin here in Denver CO. It is the tallest building in downtown Denver. It has 53 flights of stairs and a total of about 1018 steps to the top. More to follow after these events are done and completed. So tune in.......... ..... as life be happening for Rebecca :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Well I am counting down the days till this weekends events. Saturday is my 10 mile run at Cherry Creek reservoir it is the last of the winter distance series runs and the longest! I am crossing my fingers that it will be half way decent temperatures.
Sunday is the Colorado Lung Association run the Republic building stairs! I DO NOT think I will be running up 53 flights of stairs more like draggin my sore and tired legs up them LOL. I am excited about this event since it is a good fund raiser for the lung association out here in Colorado. My mother whom lies in ORE is batteling bad lungs do to smoking for years. Every step I take on this even is for her! All participants in this event get a real nice medal. I will be going back to ORE March 6-10 and that medal will travel with me to show to my mom and tell her this event was all for her! I will most photos after both these events. WISH ME LUCK

Monday, February 11, 2008


a few years ago Kelvin and i was down at the Olympic training facilty in Colorado Springs. A friend of his was going to compete in a power lifting event. It was a great time roaming around the campus there. Must be really something to be able to be a olympic athlete and compete for our country. I have been tossing back and forth in my mind should I try and do a olympic distance triathlon at the end of this season. Maybe just maybe I can do it!

This last week.

Well still winter here in Colorado but not to awful bad. I did a long run yesterday 1 hr 30 minutes. I think it was between5-6 miles, It was area that I never had run on before but had biked there about a year ago. I told myself going out that I will just do the best that I can and it is not a race! just wanted to get a endurance run in. I was pleased when I completed it and I truly feel that in about 2 weeks I will be able to run 10 miles with out stopping.

My legs felt find this am. Yesterday after the run they did feel tired but overall good today. I was able to ride the bike at the gym for 45 min on level 8 hill climb boy great work out, then did my upper body training. I will be going home to OR March 6-9 and I can't wait! Will be fun to run at sea level YAOO

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Well had a swim training class with my CWW ladies. It was great! I really thought that I was not going to like doing laps but when there others there in the lane with you it makes time fly! I really enjoyed what we learned tonight and gives me things to practice on. Felt weird today to not get a run in like usualy but I thought best save the energy for swimming glad I did. Next swim class is this Saturday at the University of Denver pool

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Oct 2007 Boulder back roads 5K run

I found a photo of me from summer 2005 OH MY GOSH I can believe I will post this photo but it also helps for me to see where I was and where I am now. Lots of hard work and worth every minute of it.


I am looking at what events I want to do this season. I have signed up for 1 sprint triathlon that is June 16th. I am wanting to do another one and that just might be the Steamboat Sprint triathlon that is at the end of August. I really love Steamboat and to have the opportunity to do a triathlon up there would be great for me. Looking at still doing some good runs too this year.

My last day at my part time Kohls job is Feb 12th and I look forward to that, it has been a nice place to work but I just need time for my training which will take a lot of my time this Spring and Summer. March 6-9 I am going back home to Grants Pass ORE to visit my Mom and Dad and friends. My mom health is not well and I want to spend time with her, when I run I often think of her since she has bad lungs and week heart she was a heavy smoker for years. Looking back on why I run and how it all started is very interesting for me, it will be a year in April that I started running just a little at a time, I kept thinking to myself either I am going to learn to run and keep doing it or I am just going to have to let it go and do something else. It has taken training and just overall getting out there and doing the runs and putting the time in. I enjoy seeing how I have progressed and I look forward to running in the years to come.