Wednesday, October 29, 2008

October update

The 18 mile run last weekend went pretty well took us about 3 hr 30 min wow where does the day go when you do a long run LOL. This week is sort a low miles week for me since Sunday is a 10K and I want to get my time down from last year. It is a very hilly course so will see.

Friday for Halloween I am going to dress up as......... take a guess LOL I will post photos here over the weekend should be interesting since I havenot dressed up in years! Weather is holding nice here in Colorado almost 70 today. Looking forward to Dec 7th half marathon in Las Vegas.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


I am headed out tomorrow at 9:00 am for NOW my farthest run ever LOL. LAst weekend went pretty well with Becky I did 16 miles in about 3 hrs 10 min. I could feel the pain starting around 14 miles but I held on. It is really amazing what the human body can do and how it handles running. The day after I did not feel to bad. This week was low miles 17 for the week and this coming week will be more since tomorrow I start the week with 18 miles.

Nov 2 I will be doing the Littleton Stride 10K a very challengin 10K hills up and down hope to beat my time of 1 hr 11 min that was last year, plus my first 10K ever. Our weather here in Denver area is holding nicely. Recently I have read Dean K book 50 marathons in 50 days! great book I highly recommend it. I also read my life on the run another great running book from another famous endurance runner.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Tomorrow I am doing my farthest run yet. I will be doing a training run with friend Becky Marzano. We will be doing 16 miles, Dec 7th we will be in Las Vegas to do the marathon there. OH I mean Becky will do the full marathon and I will do the half marathon LOL.

I am doing my one long distance run a week with her and if i am not carefull I will end up doing 26 miles at Las Vegas. The weather will be ideal conditions in the am to run at Waterton. I may try and take my camera for photos after we are done. I am not doing my marathon till May 2009 so lots of time to still get in long runs and jsut overall mileage base.

Monday, October 13, 2008


This event was put on by the American Lung assoc of Colorado. I always support there events! Last year it was just a 1 mile run up the road at Red Rocks and at that time in my running world that was the hardest thing I had ever done! Now the crazy Mt Evans ascent takes the place LOL.

This year the Run the Rocks was a 5K I was thrilled and it also brought in a bunch more people! It was 2 miles down the road and THEN that wonderful 1.0 mile straight up to the top of the red rocks ampheitheater! The weather was very close to like last years! cold maybe 40 and a rain like mist. I got out my winter running attire and was ready for the challenge. The 2 miles down the road I was watching many people running fast down it. I knew that running down fast would be hard on the knees so I just went at my pace plus I had a feeling I would pass many of those people when it came to the 1 mile up! Sure enough most of them were walking! I was not fast going up it but I took it one step at a time!

Make a long story short my official time across the mat was 36:22 I was 368 out of a total of 759.

I was 30 out of 81 females in the age group I think 40-44. Females I was 185 out of 479 total.

my per mile pace was 11:47. Last year it took me about 17 minutes to just run the 1 miles up hill! So I see an improvment over last year overall mile time.

Afterwords I had some guys get a photo of me and my metal. I told Kelvin (AKA boyfriend) that he could stay home since the weather was pretty yuckie. I then went and got my SHIRT! This year I raised enough funds to earn a shirt YAHOO HAPPY GIRL DOING THE HAPPY DANCE!

I also got my goodie bag and a nice bagel from panera breads. I did not hang out to long as I was starting to cool down and feel chilled a bit.

I do the lung association runs for my mom who was a heavy smoker and is on the last part of her life do to ephazema. conestive heart failure and major depression! She is 72 and my dad who is 75 is her care taker. This last weekend two of my 3 sisters where there taking care of my mom while my dad took a short trip up to Washington state to visit his sister who is 80. So on the run on this day I ran with my heart for my mom RUTH JANE HALLIN! I love you mom and sure wish I could be there to show you my medal that I earned for you.

I also had my yearly check up this last sat and all looks great! Just waiting on the blood results back this week. My weight was down from last year I think 3-4 pounds which I pretty much knew it would be with my increase in running. I have 5 pounds that I am working hard on and would like to see them off me before I go run a half marathon at the Dec 7th Las Vegas. Will be attending that will friend Becky who is 58 and will run her first marathon, she is trying to talk me into the full 26.2 but I am planning my first marathon here in Denver May 2009. I will do the Colfax marathon I did my my first hlaf marathon at that event this last May. I want to do my first full marathon in the state and city that I live and train in! PLUS I can then say I ran 26.2 miles at elevation of 5280! I am currently running about 30-33 miles a week and will increas it before to long to about 35 and hold it there for awhile

Sunday, October 5, 2008

cresecent moon sprint triathlon

Sorry it as been awhile since I posted. My last triathlon of the season was the Crescent Moon at Cherry Creek Reservoir in Denver CO. To make a long story short I did pretty well considering this was my 3 sprint triathlon ever and the 2 one of season 2008.

I was about 6-7 miles into the bike ride when a bee flew down the front of my tri suit and stung me on the chest! I felt it and then quickly reached in and flicked it out! It stung a little but I was not going to stop!! I was cruising pretty well on the bike with my new aero bars. I came cruising into the bike transition I dismounted the bike and had to run it through transitions aways to get to my area. My right calf was acting up a bit and I was like DAM IT a bee sting and now my right calf acting up! I got to my area and Kelvin was near cheering me on. I yelled at him that I got stung and that my right calf hurt! He is so awesome to just take all my comments in stride LOL.

I was able to make it through the run and come to the finish line in a time of around 1 hr 39 mintes not to bad for me considering all that took place. The food afterwords was good and great to visit with other tri athletes.

The next day I had a 5K to run. It was the 2 time that I did the second wind 5K in Lakewood. Last year I did ok about 35 minutes. it has some inclines so was a bit tough. This year I just wanted to finish it since the day before I had the triathlon so I knew I would be a bit tired. WELL I pulled off a time of 31 min about 4 min better than last year! So I guess my training is paying off. I was very pleased!