Monday, March 16, 2009

60 days till marathon

It is official as of tonight I am registered for the Colfax marathon! I am excited but I also know that I have 60 days more of training. Sunday is the day that I do my long run and this weekend it will be 15 miles. I think I will be ok just take it easy and one foot in front of another. May 1st 2006 was when I truly feel that I started running and I could barely run 2 miles with out stopping! I am living proof that perserverance pays off! I truly believe in following your dreams they can come true.

I keep thinking that come May 17 on that day all my hard training will have paid off. It is hard to believe all the time I am putting into my training and that one single day I will run 26.2 miles! I am hoping that my love for running will be strong after the marathon. This is an incredible journey that I am on.


Melissa said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog and for always being so encouraging. Have a blessed day. YOU ARE GOING TO ROCK YOUR MARATHON.

Black Knight said...

After the marathon you will love more your running, trust me. In 2months you will be able to follow a wise program. Enjoy your workouts and good luck on the marathon.